Who are we?

The company ZetaEnne Srl was born in 2013 as a dealer of products in renewable energy anf LED lighting. All our articles are designed and created following a filosophy inspired by the achievement of a high quality standard, that manages to compete with high demanding markets, both technology-wise, performance-wise and aesthetic-wise. This thought brought us to improve and expand our range of products and to try new sectors of the current market, for the purpose of getting closer to the clientele.

Our new articles are already planned and designed to pursue the road to susteinability, allowing the salvaging of materials utilized at the end of their life cycle; because of this, all our new products in the catalogue (and their packaging) will be made with recyclable materials, with the complete exclusion of high-pollution ones and/or dangerous;

We are aware of the fact that circular economy requires a lot of effort and a degree of foresight that can't take how the products are made, designed and packaged into account. In light of this, ZetaEnne Srl has made itself a promise about the realization of articles that can be entirely repaired and correctly maintained in a way that, when put on the market, they don't need to be thrown away or replaced at the end of their life cycle, so when it stops working we'll avoid any waste of materials, increments in RAEE waste, transport costs and supplying.

Another aspect to which we give particular relevance is energy saving. Being LED technology made for the exact purpose of reducing energy waste and keep the performance high (especially looking back at older lighting types), it's our precise intention to offer product characterized by higher efficiency levels in comparison to others already on the market. This is so that both energy costs and materials cost results lower between the achievable ones with the technologies at our disposal.

The latest news about ZetaEnne Srl concern public and sports facilities lighting, of which we were already available on the market. In this contexts, our product associate, with a high saving rate of comfortable light levels, giving a citizen a bigger feeling of safety. This quality level has been made possible thanks to our technicians and staff members, who are able to assist our clients in every step needed to illuminate of roads, residential areas, storic centers, stadiums or sports facilities, while respecting the norms until the supply of lighting products.

Also we operate in the renewable energy sector; in particular we specialize in the distribuition of photovoltaic panels, inverters both on and off grid and hybrid systems.

Another sector in which we strive to succeed are services linked with automation in the lighting sector, supplying equipment and guidance on advanced technical solutions in the DALI, DMX, nbIOT, BT-LE technologies to have full control over lights in various contexts, where our help is requested. Also, we are the dealers of a remote control systems of lamps used for innovative public lighting, capable of combining a widespread like BT-LE with nbIOT, reducing enormously the costs for realization of mesh nets and future smart cities.

We manage the supplying of custom products on clients request, thanks to the collaboration of companies in the sector, both in realization of equipment and in creating machines or furniture in which products gets installed for LED lighting.

Toghether with all our clients satisfaction, the central values on which our company is built on is the visible comfort and wellness of people, with a particular attention to the enviroment. All of this for the sole purpose of pursuing a company policy more and more attentive and responsible both regarding the sustainability of our products and regarding the efficiency of our saving using available resources, with the objective of preserving and for the betterment of the enviroment we live in.

Where to find us?